For Band Directors & Music Teachers
Good teachers never stop learning. Ask us about special programs for instructors.
Jazz Masters' Secrets
This hour and a half seminar is for band directors and their students to learn how to use un-used musical skills to create dramatic individualist music. These often over-looked techniques can make the difference between being a decent player and a world-class player. Some of the topics covered are: how to stimulate storytelling in a jazz solo, married to a motif, milking a motif, the power of dynamics and more.
How to Teach Jazz
This course focuses on the techniques of teaching jazz. Learn 10 exercises that demand the values of great jazz players. Learn how to teach at the correct incremental rate. If the rate is too slow students get bored. If it’s too fast and steps are missed, students are alienated. But when you give appropriate exercises with the right speed, students experience great improvement and fun.
For information on courses, consulting and upcoming workshops, call (773) 860-8300.